Holland & Sherry 贺兰德谢瑞
Holland & Sherry是世界上最负盛名的纺织商之一
180多年来,Holland & Sherry一直在向高端市场和定制裁缝供应高档服装方面发挥着主导作用。
私人定制用Holland & Sherry布料定制服装是真正的投资,衣服每年都增值,穿着身上开心舒适。
从1836年开始,Holland & Sherry就为著名的萨维尔街(Savile row)定制裁缝店提供绝对顶级奢华的布料。
Holland & Sherry是英国皇室御用面料之一
Holland & Sherry的安第斯山羊毛布料, 常年被摩洛哥皇室包圆。
Holland & Sherry is one of the most prestigious cloth weavers in the world
For over 180 years Holland Sherry has played a leading role in supplying luxury cloths to the top end of the market and bespoke tailors.
A bespoke tailored garment in luxury Holland Sherry cloth is truly an investment and always a leasure to wear.
Since the very beginning in 1836, Holland Sherry has supplied the famed bespoke tailoring houses of Savile row with the absolute top-end luxury cloth.
Holland & Sherry is one of the British Royal fabrics
Holland & Sherry's Andean goat wool fabric, perennially rounded by the Moroccan Royal Family.
我公司有Holland & Sherry 贺兰德谢瑞面料英国工厂直供!
HOLLAND&SHERRY在1836年由Stephen George Holland和Frederick Sherry创立于英国伦敦OldBond大街.
日期:2020-01-16 浏览次数:3999
创立于1836年,自创立之初,便一直面向高端西装定做和奢侈品牌供应高档面料。 HOLLAND SHERRY总部位于苏格...
日期:2020-01-16 浏览次数:3430
创立于1836年,自创立之初,便一直面向高端西装定做和奢侈品牌供应高档面料。 HOLLAND SHERRY总部位于苏格...
日期:2020-01-16 浏览次数:2366